Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pussied Willlow

Permanent Culture / Fermament Agra

[plagurized by hoes garden sale AKA The slim, The bill, The CaIne]

Burned up a partivcle pardoned by the tickle in Indian pickle lip

Conventional strineteen by pastries cost fro to chem. Erosion
On my back getting dirty pretty

Cough summer shadow fritz doorstep whip whisket


Alabaster lucy
Billy love shoven from Russia with tiffany
Permanent permacuture
Plate of cookies

Dim fest brass fatty rice
Basmati, the bat-boy

Friday, October 19, 2007


Nine-tenths of two halves of the same battle cry
seismic porridge leaning aginst the jamb
rockin it up in the free sword hunter's store.
the beginning of a new chapter
sapper's delight
napsack's to cry upon
lacka-daisy for to embellish my grave
cremate the day.
Phoenix horizon.
Texan Paunch.
Twilight in every moment.
A monumental greyscale version of a landscape..

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

hands on, best job ever.

the tongue speakers rolled over the dusty hills,
bears ensnared,
euphemisms locked up,
grim jaws set,
over the dying grass.

They moved for days, weeks, years, months, months,
found no home but the kingdom of an ever orange sun.
the babble communicated senses, affections, passions, (if you prick us, do we not bleed?)
but all was unlike
in likeness.

And then, the tapeworm.
Oh how do I speak of its splendours?
like this: worm--splendiferus maximus,
giant, wormy, hungry.
Also, spoke very fluent spanish (been to Pharis, Ayraq, Ayran, Urazia).
Taught them a singular mode of being.
Their promising tower fell.
The worm was their god now.
Home is where the tapeworm is.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Purpose F.O.R.T.


pedestrian: durpers, please!

longshank: another purpose fort?

pedestrian: that's factually an acronym

longshank: you heard it - back to you, jerry

joan: we're sorry, jerry can't make it in today. he's got a case of the argot carbourator akin to shavings of nature AKA frowning stork syndicate

audience: [laughter, but not too zealous]

joan: thanks. so up next, we're going to hear from patty, a mother of zero who needs a new tune to tap to. she's a taping expert in the field of cornicopia - for those of you following sports, that's "copa cabanna." let's git.

control room: roll 5

operator: rolling

copa cabanna: at the copa, copa cabanna. da da day de di da da du da...

couch potato: [flips channel] ugh. what gives?

child in rapture: what's a copa, daddy?

daddy: ask your baby momma

baby momma: [on the phone] ...and that's when i hit him upside the head with my handbag....

baby momma's momma: oh dear you didn't!

baby momma: damn right i did!

couch potato: you get me another tarro root to chew on? this one's mush

baby momma: [ignoring]

child in rapture: i finished it. the fort is complete!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Darling darling please stand on me.

Filter faced,
smoking gun in the fat sock.

Can't happy the days, says the lady from the backseat.
I can't call a dog in heat for the fuzz on my peach doth speak too lightly.
gambol in the hay town, motown blisters.

"The woolly Ibex? aye in the rocks wonday we zaw 'im.

posted on a sheaf, ready to go lightly upon the call of need.
Breathing fists of fire,
he vaulted. More power to your cousins.
Done with the day, tired of the night,
sans sands desert storm.
A surgical operator of the infinite justice variety.
Such is your goat-mother!"
Pilferer of rabbis.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

earth to live by


pundit #1
soda jerks always finish burst in lime when the trips are cursed

gary #2
fro and to for frothing at the suture factory

hairlip #3
good deeds will eventually die so make murder

donkey #4
breathe in the silver haze

nair #5
we are products of our own children

Virgil's virgin vigil

Seeing the sizzle,
unabated by drizzle,
virgil's virgin vigil,
busy with cudgel,
huddling in shadow rubble,
nuzzling brook that doth babble.
Along anon the man with a fan ran,
pursued by handful of canned canons,
bursting tan
in need of fan for to enable holy elan.

Virgil's dire dirge
unheard by the moving surge
(or serge?)
quietly basks in yellowing time sun.
Sorry for him? cheques be received, if so to please you they may be sent.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pre-peeling Post-wheel Invention


feeling bealy
annonce bol freely creroperating
you've been spotted
on more than one occasional hair flip

clad clip
i sleep slapily these days
put it in my head

cranium danger
salted menagerie