Thursday, June 14, 2007

Clam Pasture

Aloha from the shiny corn state. It's the ol' wagon team's turn to pull up the posers:

"...rhee. rhee."

"So I bought her a cork, right...and (dismissively) I got a rash dang it! A friggin rash."

"That's a hole."

"You do your ains and opes and the rest will amd after"

"Ke-yop. Ke-yop."

Be careful, it's a slow jive.

"So, I was after the opus...and it was letting cup everywhere. A total dish tractor."

"You tricked it right into felt."

"It had feelings."

(All hold hands)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bringing Hose Parts

It's the last time of year over there. It's also the laughing trope. Arm along gaspro, we all find our letsome in findy carts:

"That's okay there. I know how to do it, it's in the manual."
"Ask for thiz hen."
"Beget some."
that's a plenty. that's a plentiful waste gasket. we are looking for replacement parts as we tickle the bereaved--at this point we would advise jet some:
"Afterward was the dinner part-e"
"Oh, anyhow."
"Old weigh."
"Gold rame scored."