Friday, March 23, 2007

henceforth more

"...because I am but a moment's sigh.
I know that even though i breathe and squint at the sunlight now,
The mountains will be there,
far after the generations to follow me, and the generations to follow those will pass,
long after my name has turned to wormwood,
dry dust and bone dry I will lie,
and the mountains will watch over my unmarked grave.
I will root myself to the hillside, a rocky cactus,
bludgeoning the aeons with my blunt sword.
My body turns porous, and the dust-storms flow through me eroding me.
The mountains live lifetimes that pour though wind-cycles, and they will pass as well,
their children after them budding off and dying in the onslaught of time,
losing the unwinnable battle.
I breathe in the day.


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