Saturday, February 03, 2007

Remember your Alex Trebek nametag

Jarb salon I am tender,

In the April of hind-quarters lecherous milk product lance rambo is keel for mime headquarter licensing. I have the barbatrol grab bag so we are ordinarily marsten tunic trowels. Arb forth in dairy, we gill as flotsam still-life o'er algorithm fever limits vertical leaping fetish aprons sabre coal mine squeeze freedom squeeze for me freedom squeezing seizure mutton square sire paw collections.

I have a list of things you shant forget while averting Kandinsky:

1)brothel iron
2)corrupt board
3)hoagie wrench
4)utensil anecdote

These shall be quarantined nine times before lent. I will allot the lepers fourteen clips for sharing together. We do urge more raffle tickets. At the same time we foresee naught of wisdom but of our own cordial ligament.

I am truly a representation of 15th century Liberian body odor.


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