Thursday, May 20, 2010

Such Striking Moments with E


jevin even heavy hedge um me? i cheb eleven edges end to end in edi bullet tulliss testin chest and all effortuitist soothing me wheat indeed neither has a never have it try to tie up and sauntered up to suck as seven of them lesbians in enema class - they sassed the team across the grass! and after all i asked the cheering charm an asking asp greeted me as acid niece it's decent cream she screamed as car men in a state of out as inner needs of leach about us eating lunge a leaf oh under we's so pleasingly at ease it's easily an all out honest come on on the while or all the subjugated wierd that even east teas tensed and teased he's eye sighs a beam heat he's hessian hesh to pin sheepsins on knees easy sneezing enevitibly heaves as i see it it seems to me to be an E! i mean, what's on and off the bent need?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sea Breeze Informatics LLC


Deposition log 66-0-OL76 on August 21 1944

//begin transmission//

we witnessed a morphable color depth changing bringing plate in space now sphere in shape. for in our wishing we accidentally reached into other dimensions, got slapped, what happy? well wale pronounced with a walleye could repeat every last bit which happened to select a quick neck faster than sick could get sicker. these picks quell a nervous habit of batch latching a master of putative soothings. make it bold. fasten it brashly. we're watching. we got the readout.

\\end solace\\

Friday, May 07, 2010

Muscle, Wait


a surrogate pathway
found dazed, lain above river
apt slaps turn rocks unfurled
with whips arc marching
will wind never stop

or take omage and drink to the heavyweights
up sauces and those long pickled
a spill of tears even the precious can't deny
a dim dollar bill aghast good time
i guess we worked for it but swapped for what

safe tasks weave toward a rushing fine fit
this too can be done within a heartfelt feat
a shape near shearing
a ship bound for cord wood
all along knowing its waste is ours too
and what shall we do?
burn the crank?
shaft the grapes?
no. justified shrug
with a wink
we march on