Monday, March 30, 2009

foolish moaning


i started then stopped then started a fight with fire inside
to a bride falling among snowflakes perfectly disguised
as a disgusted stalwart or worms in the tummy
we all get a dosage of squash dancing eventually
but buying time is not the way of the weary or even the lay of the land
these days
it's more like just keep the checks rolling and we'll worry about balances
once the cancer creeps in
once the answers are further than it's possible to think
with the time left of your living

speaking of livid
it's next to the red wiggler
so look for the sign
when brighter

anyway, kick the pants off
for i've got a doosey

dangling from packed carvings comes care packaged naturally fast instant factory
fact: back when bowl cuts were hot, you'd be sanguined for such knowledge
racking splintered holds stolen pocketed pickmarks fish quickery slack mackerel sackville bagginses
so give now give it
toward samsung asunder a sambo landline band phone fad finger miscount miscreant rebound
down town syndrome brang soft fangs to warblin midgets in wifebeatin whittlin contests for monastic
bank slobberin shut your cakehole gentlemen
go tattle tailin beeper angus radar save for ptolemaic gaydar to cavepersons
surely piercing the last of our arrows with sweets gandered in antonym pantry

scat ample!
stop wasting the bass tones

Sunday, March 01, 2009

More in heaven and mirth, Moratio

Life is more than the wisdoms of old men,
than the sage saws of unseeing soothsayers,
brayers and braggarts and artless sharks,
more then gaping into the open-and-shut maw of society's whistling whale,
waiting my turn, dusting and cleaning the carpet before the inevitable,
more than the lonely church edifice of limestone and lichen
where weeds grow over the unmarked gravestones,
more than pages of ideas,
untested unsolidified
as if running through a fog with mouth open
could ever quench your thirst.

so much more my nose bleeds for it.